Building LLM Agents in 3 Levels of Complexity: From Scratch, OpenAI Functions & LangChain

Understanding how LLM agents work by building it at 3 levels of complexity

Lucas Soares
12 min readDec 27, 2023


In this article I want to show you how to build simple LLM-based agents in 3 levels of complexity: from ‘scratch’ using only the OpenAI API, using OpenAI function calling and with LangChain

What is an Agent?

My rendition of what an agent: an agent is nothing more than some entity that can think and act, that’s right, in a way you’re an agent (lol).

You can think and act on those thoughts like in the case of coming reading this article:

- Thought: I want to learn about agents

- Action: Go to the internet and research interesting resources

- Thought: Medium has some neat content on agents

- Action: Look up medium articles

- Thought: Here is an interesting article by Lucas Soares

- Action: Read article

ReACT Framework and LLM Integration

In a way this is a silly interpretation of what may have brought you here, obviously not in this particular order nor these…



Lucas Soares

Machine Learning Engineer. I write about AI | Data Science | Productivity & Learning. Join Medium at: