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How to Study & Learn with Claude 3.5 Sonnet and Artifacts

Leveraging Claude 3.5 Sonnet and Artifacts to learn and study

Lucas Soares
5 min readAug 1, 2024


In this article, let’s look at some interesting options for using Claude 3.5 Sonnet and the Artifacts feature for learning and research. We’ll look at things like summarizing PDFs, transforming PDFs into interactive apps, creating slide decks, creating quiz apps form pdfs and more!

Summarizing a Paper with Claude AI

The first feature we explore is the summarization of academic papers. By uploading a paper, such as the seminal Attention is All You Need, you can instruct Claude to summarize the document into instructive bullet points.

Technique Breakdown:

  1. Upload the pdf
  2. Prompt:

summarize this paper into a set of instructive bullet points.

This straightforward approach helps you grasp the core ideas without wading through the entire document.

Turning a Paper into an Interactive Dashboard App

Now, let’s take advantage of Claude’s Artifacts feature to take this summarization approach a step further by converting the paper into an interactive dashboard app…



Lucas Soares

AI Engineer. I write about AI | Tools| Data Science | Productivity. Subscribe to my Youtube channel: