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I Built a Brainstorming Tool with ChatGPT and Whisper

A fun way to develop ideas using ChatGPT and Whisper

Lucas Soares
6 min readAug 14, 2023


Not gonna lie, I do enjoy building random tools that I may or may not use in the future. Particularly tools with some meta aspect to them (like they help your workflow in some meaningful way).

So, why not build a brainstorming tool to automate the process of improving upon personal ideas?

In this story, I want to share how and why I built a simple Python tool with ChatGPT and Whisper to brainstorm ideas by just talking about them in a loop.

Defining Brainstorming

When we think of brainstorming, we think of a room full of people figuring out some complex problem or scenario right?

Photo by Memento Media on Unsplash

We might also think of ourselves individually, kind of like hammering away on some idea, maybe writing some of it down, putting a bunch of stickers everywhere.

Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash



Lucas Soares

AI Engineer. I write about AI | Tools| Data Science | Productivity. Subscribe to my Youtube channel: