Photo by Nacho Arteaga on Unsplash

Visualizing the Pope’s Itinerary in Lisbon Using Python and ChatGPT

Automating Crowd Avoidance with Python and ChatGPT


I live in Lisbon, which is not exactly a super big city it has
approximately three million inhabitants

and the Pope is coming to visit on this from the 2nd of August to the 6th and that means an increase in about a million people who are going to be coming to Lisbon to see the Pope.

The introvert in me thought: “Oh no! Crowds!”

Photo by Anderson Rian (left) and Emile Guillemot (right) on Unsplash

In this article, I will share how I built a simple interactive visualization tool to avoid the crowds using Python and ChatGPT

Automating Crowd Avoidance

The programmer in me looked at this situation and thought, okay so

how can we automate staying away from the hot spots where you know the Pope will visit?

The solution I found was to write a little interactive map in HTML (exported from Python) that essentially helps me visualize where the Pope is going to be and split it by days…



Lucas Soares

Machine Learning Engineer. I write about AI | Data Science | Productivity & Learning. Join Medium at: